Tile Patterns And Layout Ideas

When you’re placing tile in your home, there are different tile patterns and layout ideas that can enhance an area, whether it’s your kitchen backsplash, bathroom, or some other space in your home. The tile layout you choose can have a significant effect on the look and feel of an area. Need some inspiration for your tiles? With the different tile patterns and designs available, here are some of the more popular ones to get you started.

Grid Pattern

A grid layout is one of the most basic of patterns. You put square tiles in a straight line for a clean and simple look. Rectangular-shaped tiles look good in this pattern as well. Layout either square or rectangular tiles where the edge of the grid is in line with the walls of the room. Laying out tiles this way is an economical and easy way to place them. With limited cutting, you should have less waste. Whatever the size of the room is along with the tiles, this is a simple and efficient way to place tiles.

When you’re using encaustic cement tiles, which are glazed tiles with built-in clay patterns, a grid layout is a good way to showcase these tiles. To make the tile stand out, use grout in a different color to create a unique look.

Offset Pattern

An offset pattern, or a runner or running bond pattern, is another easy tile layout. You can use either square or rectangular tiles and lay them out as you would brick. Lay your first row of tiles and when you go to lay the next row, offset the row so that the corner of the tile has a placement at the center of the tile above it.

The looks and benefits of this tile pattern create added texture to the space and bring a softer effect to the area. It’s a good kitchen cover-up for appliances or cabinets where their closures look pronounced and sharp-cornered.

An offset pattern is good for floor tiles. You can stagger the offsets with narrow pieces of wood to create wood floorboards. Just offset down the floorboard’s length instead of the center point. You can even use different offsets for the wooden planks to give the floor a more authentic look.

Herringbone Pattern

Tile lovers adore herringbone patterns. It’s really becoming a trendy pattern with homeowners today. To attain the look, place tile pieces on a tilt of 45 degrees of v-shaped rows of tiles from the top to the bottom. Do the same by repeating the column next to it. You usually set the pattern up to be placed length-ways next to the longest wall in the room to give the pattern an overall effect. This layout is a classic but more graphic way to install both large or small rectangular tiles.

The color of tile you choose will either make the pattern a standout or the tile pieces will integrate and blend in with the area. It’s a pattern that can be difficult to do on your own. If you decide to try a herringbone pattern, check with granite companies nearby your area for some advice on tile selections, colors, and installation techniques to do the job right.

Also, whatever size tile you use, the herringbone pattern will be more pronounced. Shorter tiles will give you a definite herringbone pattern while larger brick-style tiles will give a less defined pattern. Whatever you choose, you’ll add lots of interest to the floor along with texture.

Hexagon Pattern

You see more and more use of hexagons in many forms, with panels, wallpapers, stick-on plaques, and other decorative features. The popularity of tile patterns for walls and floors is there too. You can place the tiles on the edges of a room for a mosaic effect or on the entire space of a wall or floor.

When you set the tiles, you want to find the center location of the area where you’re placing them. You fill in the pieces from there. It’s another tile that can be difficult to place because of starting from the center and going out from there. You’ll place the tile pieces from top to bottom and from that point, you’ll place the tiles horizontally. Then, you’ll place the tile pieces from the center of the tile to the other sides.

Harlequin Pattern

The harlequin pattern uses square tiles in a grid setup where you place tiles diagonally, at 45 degrees, to the walls of the area being tiled. With this kind of placement, the room appears larger than it actually is. It’s a suitable arrangement for areas where the shape of the space is unusual or irregular.

You often see harlequin tile patterns used with black and white tile. The pattern creates a classic patchwork design. You often use the placement in large entryways, long hallways, or bathrooms. The design also works well with solid color tiles.

Chevron Tile Pattern

A chevron pattern is one other tile pattern that is popular with homeowners today. It brings both action, movement, and attention to a space. You specifically cut the tile pieces in a chevron shape, which gives a definite arrow-like look to the tiles.

In order to make the installation process easier and faster, tile makers will have a backing on the tile that makes the pattern easy to place and install. It can be done with one solid tile color or use an alternate color for a unique look.

Stacked Vertical Pattern

Another less difficult pattern to use is a vertically stacked tile that is placed on a wall or floor. The layout makes your wall area appear longer or taller. Subway tiles can look completely different installed this way, plus the geometric aspect of the design gives a pop-out kind of appeal to the tile.

Even larger tiles with a vertical pattern can extend both your walls and floors in different directions. You’re also adding textural features with this kind of placement.

Basket Weave Pattern

There are many variations in this tile pattern. It’s basically a pattern with two brick tiles that are set in a horizontal pattern against two brick tiles that are set in a vertical pattern. You can easily create this pattern to get a textured area without a lot of effort.

Other basket weave patterns include brick-shaped tiles that are placed in interconnected patterns with smaller square tiles that enlarge the space in between. It’s another pattern that is more difficult to achieve, but tilemakers today are creating basketweave tiles that are already in place through attachment to backing mesh. That way, you don’t have to worry about the smaller tile placement.

Looking For Tile For Your Home?

If you want more information on tile patterns and layout ideas, Marble Concepts will be happy to help you with any designs you plan on using or help you come up with a custom design. Our numerous ideas and advice could be of help in your layout, plus we offer services for selecting and installing tiles. We have been in business for over 30 years, so our team is well versed in anything tile. Give us a call at 215-396-7393.
